DiSabatino CPA Blog

A blog by Michael DiSabatino CPA with topics on Tax Savings, Business, Management and more...

Mike's weekly post usually concentrated on tax saving strategies.

Avoid the 50% Penalty!

 Understanding Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) Rules

 Every year thousands of taxpayers are hit with a heavy 50% penalty for not withdrawing enough money from their retirement plan(s). Here is what you need to know to ensure this does not happen to you or someone you know.

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Does Your Mileage Log Travel the Distance?

Does Your Mileage Log Travel the Distance?

The tax code allows deductions for qualified miles driven for business, medical, moving and charitable purposes. But to claim this deduction you must keep adequate records of actual miles driven. During an audit this is an often disallowed deduction, despite the fact that you actually drove the distance claimed. How to make sure this doesn't happen to you? Here are some tips.

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Who Pays What?

Who Pays What?

In a continuing effort to provide information as we listen to the budget and debt debates out of Washington D.C., outlined here are some IRS statistics on who pays individual income taxes. The information provided here is the most current available information.

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Who Pays What?

Who Pays What?

In a continuing effort to provide information as we listen to the budget and debt debates out of Washington D.C., outlined here are some IRS statistics on who pays individual income taxes. The information provided here is the most current available information.

Income % of Income Share of
Income Tax Paid
Tax Rate
Top 1% 18.9% 37.4% 23.4%
Top 5% 33.8% 59.1% 20.6%
Top 10% 45.2% 70.6% 18.5%
Top 25% 67.6% 87.1% 15.2%
Top 50% 88.3% 97.6% 13.0%
Bottom 50% 11.7% 2.4% 2.4%
All Taxpayers 100% 100% 11.8%

How to read:The top 10% of Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) on 2010 tax returns reported approximately 45.2% of the income and paid 70.6% of the total individual income tax collected in 2010.1


Check The top 1% of income paid 37.4% of the federal individual income taxes with 18.9% of the reported income.
Check The largest gap between income representation and amount of tax paid is in the top 10%. The top 10% of reported income have approximately 45.2% of claimed income, and pay approximately 70.6% of the individual income taxes.
Check The Tax Policy Center estimates that 46.4% of households paid no federal income tax for 2011.

Note: The above figures net out "negative" income tax returns for those who filed a tax return, but due to adjustments and credits have negative adjusted gross income.

1 Source: Internal Revenue Service. SOI Bulletin Table 5 - Selected Income and Tax Items, Shares of Adjusted Gross Income and total income tax and average tax rates. All figures are based on estimates from sampling conducted by the Internal Revenue Service using 2011 tax filing data for 2010 taxes. Income means Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) as reported on individual income tax returns.

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Create tax breaks: Buy parents' home, rent it back to them

Create tax breaks: Buy parents' home, rent it back to them

Say your aging parents live in a home that has appreciated in value, but they're no longer reaping any of the homeownership tax breaks during their retirement years. Sound familiar?

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